
Friday, July 21, 2006

Long Time No Talkie

Soooooooooooooooooooooooo...what have I been up to. It's going to take a bit of catching up. If I am going too fast at any point just let me know.

4th of Julyish...had a huge cookout here at the Cycling Center, I got steak at the butcher shop that was something like a pound and a half...7 Euros, not bad, not bad at all. After all the schnanagins we went bowling and watched the end of a world cup game. Unfortuantely I never found any fireworks. Maybe it was fortunate???

On the 5th we went to watch part of the Tour De France stage that came somewhat close to the area of Belgium that the CC is located in. That's where I found my new friend (above). Isn't he cute!!! No, really this piece of cardboard almost cut my throat as it was flying out of some promotional car in the train preceeded the race. The weather was nice and it was a decent way to spend a rest day. Most of the pics I got that would have been any good, didn't seem to turn out. So, I guess I will just leave you with a not so good one! Why does there have to be a delay on digital cameras, well at least ones that aren't millions of $$!! The rest of you are probably just calling me self absorbed for posting pictures of myself, but for those of you who are family...I'm sure your loving to see that I'm still alive and kickin. So whoever you with it :)

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Every time I check out Ted's (aka Carl Spackler) blog I see a quote that makes me chuckle...

"Carl I want you to kill all the gophers on the golf course." "Correct me if I'm wrong Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers they'll lock me up and throw away the key." "Not golfers, you great fool. Gophers." "We can do that. We don't even need a reason."

The other day I decided I had to watch it. Had not seen it in years...absoulutely hilarious.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Race Report...what's that (Schaal Schoeters - UCI 1.12)

Schaal Schoeters – UCI 1.12 4/6/06

The day started out unusually sunny and was actually looking as if it were going to get quite warm. In fact it did get warm, it hit 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

The course layout was a large loop of about 80km with 8 tight and twisty local laps for a total of about 160km of Belgian racing fun. No real cobbles, but definitely some “city” cobbles and plenty of roads with a giant wheel eating crevasse in the center.

The race started out with a short neutral roll out that was surprisingly calm. That means it wasn’t a 50 kph neutral roll out. For the first hour the field moved along at a pretty good pace, dodging in and out of all the local town squares and avoiding the almost excessive amount of European road furniture. At this point a group of 14 or so rolled off with none of the five Cycling Center riders in it, not good, but not the end of the world; we still had quite a way to the finish line. Oh, and there was a chase group off that which had about 20 or so in it…hmmm. Not a great situation, but I was able to keep constant tabs on the status of the groups via Bernard Moerman (Cycling Center Director) in the team car.

Once the peloton got within 30km of the local laps the pace and the intensity increased. Shortly after this started to happen I went two or three times with small groups of 4-5 riders, but nobody really wanted to play nice together. So, all of those came back. The same was happening with the rest of my teammates, go and come back. Finally, I went with a group that was willing to work a bit. We drove pretty hard and caught the chase group as we were coming into the first of the local laps and proceeded to drive right though them. At this point we became the chase group of 9 with 11 still up the road. We chased somewhat consistently until 3 laps to go, at that point we were losing steam and the willingness to cooperate was dwindling as well. Within those first couple local laps we lost two riders and then gained two others. With two laps left the group was clearly getting tired and any real chasing was done. I was getting on the empty side of things as well but, definitely had a bit left; some of the snap was gone, but not all gone. Looking at it in retrospect I probably didn’t drink enough early on in the race. I know that I drank well in excess of 10 bottles of water and electrolyte mix. Oh, and one coke, which is awesome when you have about 10km left. Again, thanks must go to the support crew of Bernard and Heert (mechanic) in the Team car and Ann (Bernard’s wife and mother to all of us at the Cycling Center) and Noel (Soigneur) in the feed zones. Really though, I’m not sure how much more I could have drank.

And that last lap… which I am sure you’re wondering about. Well, I ended up with a 20th place, so um… the sprint really didn’t go well at all. There was a left turn with about 250m to go and a right with about 100m to go. Seeing as I had ridden the finishing stretch eight times already I should have opened it up sometime shortly after the final left turn instead of allowing my self to get pinched into the curb/fence on the last turn. All in all, I’ll take it. Sure I made a few mistakes (obviously enough to keep me out of the lead group), but it wasn’t too many, and my fitness is on the up and up.

I feel I must leave one comment in regards to racing in Belgium. There never really are any calm moments. Something is always going on, attacks or whatever it may be. There is just intense racing and moments that are more intense.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

So I suppose I should update???

Yeah, I know I haven’t been keeping up my blog, and I really have no excuse.

Just to get this one out of the way. I really don’t have much to say about all the doping scandals/junk going on with cycling right now. My only real comment is that is disgusts me. Enough said.

More about myself…see I’m selfish, why would I talk about doping when I can talk about myself…no really, here is a bit about what I have been up to.

I took few days off as you saw in my previous post. After that I hoped into a kermis and was told to sit in for an hour or so. It worked out that I got myself in the selection and did a little more racing than I had planned, but hey it was a nice way to come off of break. I kinda got worked over a little and didn’t have much left at the end anyway…so the result wasn’t anything that spectacular.

Since then I’ve had a few other races that have been slow steady improvements all around. Physically I am feeling really good, and for the first time in a long time…in fact maybe ever. I feel like I don’t exactly know where my limits are…good but kinda weird too. Maybe, I shouldn’t be saying this, but hey, I tell it how it is! So, now I got to put all that mental stuff together right? Then I should be rockin it! I’ll keep you posted on that, I promise.

The one not so great thing I have been dealing with is what seems to be some sort of residual stuff from the Belgian gut rot I had earlier in the year. It seems to come back for a day or a few hours here and there, and leaves for a touchy stomach all around. Something I am definitely not used to. Most recently it decided to visit me during a race. Let’s just say I couldn’t eat or drink for the first 2 hours or so and hit a point where I was seriously considering pulling off the road and yaking. After we started hitting all the cobbled climbs I started coming around a bit, forced down two bottles and finished the day decent but not great.

More personal details on or after the 4th…maybe even a 4th of July update…I’m sick of being selfish right now…I’m gona go read someone elses blog...

Oh, and can anyone tell me where to find some fireworks in Belgium?