Short and Sweet...Sweet and Sour that is.
All I have for today is a short a useless comment about my dinner.
So some of us decided to try to get Chinese it was just weird. The food was your typical Ameri-Asian food you find in the US at just about any takout joint. The restaurant itself actually looked pretty nice. It was just wierd to go in and start trying to order...and all of the sudden I do one of those..."where exactly am I" things...We're speking to a oriental dude who is speaking perfect english in this little town called Oostkamp in Belgium....Dutch, Flemmish, Chinese, Japanese, English, Korean, whatever!
I am left with one question: How is it that this dude speaks better English than anyone (yes any of the several emplyees) at the King's Wok down the street from my house back home?? Not trying to be ignorant here...but really, one has to wonder.
I am still scratching my head on that one.
I will let you know when I stop.
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