All the hubub around Paris Roubaix

All this talk about stardom! I know you all are eagerly awaiting to hear how the news segment went...
It ended up being about a 6 min. segment. With plenty of ads running up untill the actual segment. Of course there were plenty of shots of yours truly. A lot of the interviews ended up being shown...but only chosen clips. At this point I wish I was a bit more fluent with my Flemish, but I could get the basics...all of us were speaking english, but a lot of the running commentary was Flemish. A bunch of the shots from the Roubaix cobbled sections made the air, as well as a bunch of stuff with us working on our bikes etc. Unfortuantly (maybe fortunately), the massage fottage never made the air. I know, the modeling career took a hit on that one... Belgium just isn't ready for the Bretmiester!
Alright, after all the hype leading up to the Queen of the Classics...I'll leave a comment or two about the actual race. that sucks, maybe that section only allows so many Americans to pass in a year...and we used it all up in filming our footage (trying to bring a little humor into a shitty situation here!). Maybe George needs to go get some Judo training. I'll leave that discussion for another day. UCI...what do you have officials for?? umm...yeah to interpret and enforce the rules...and once the decision is made, its done. For those of you that are a not as in touch with the cycling world, go to and read all the Paris Roubaix stuff...that will get you at least half way, then send me some questions, because there is/was tons of stuff flying around here (Belgium). FINI!
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